Hormone Testing Cheat Sheet

Ins & Outs of Hormone Testing

What to test for? What day? What time? Blood, Saliva or Urine?
In this Cheat Sheet You will learn:

Common testing mistakes women and doctors make that may lead to “normal” results, when you clearly don’t feel that way

Pros and cons of testing hormones through blood, saliva and urine

Detailed checklist of which hormones will help assess your specific symptoms and when and how to best test them


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About Dr. Inna Lokshin & The Hormone Rebalance Team

Many women who struggle with hormonal imbalances don’t feel like themselves anymore. Often their symptoms are not taken seriously or are attributed to aging or part of “being a woman”.

At the Hormone Rebalance Centre, our mission is to empower you to take control of your health so you experience the quality of life you deserve and feel like the superwoman that you are!

My name is Dr. Inna Lokshin, I am a Naturopathic Doctor from Toronto, Canada, with a clinical focus and deep passion for women’s health and hormones. I am the founder of the Hormone Rebalance Centre and creator of our Signature Hormone Rebalance Program.

Myself and our team of practitioner have dedicated our careers to helping women balance their hormones naturally through personalized medicine and root cause resolution.

Thank you for trusting us with your greatest asset: your HEALTH. We are honoured to be a part of your journey!

Servicing All of Ontario Through Telemedicine!